The third Steering Committee and Project Meeting of the transnational cooperation project ''ON CLOUD NINE'' took place at the Molise Region Premises, Palazzo Vitale, in Campobasso on 25 and 26 September 2019.
The meeting started with an opening and welcome note from hosting partner, Regione Molise and followed with a presentation of the overall project progress and level of expenditures declared in the third reporting period by Ms. Maurizia Giglio, technical assistant of LP.
The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss between partners the progress of the project, in particular regarding the realization of the second project outputs. With reference to this, PP4 – Albanian Civil Aviation Authority introduced the market analysis and analysis of intermodal and urban connections in Tirana International Airport. Also, participants and PP4 representative, as partner in charge of WP2 discussed about the Project Communication Strategy which has been finalized and distributed to all partners.
The meeting continued with a discussion on selection criteria for the airline operators that will test the new routes Brindisi – Tirana and Bari - Podgorica.
Finally, on occasion of the 3rd meeting, partners agreed on further steps which are important for the implementation of the project activities.
The project is funded under the Priority Axis 4 “Sustainable Transport” with the aim to increase coordination among relevant stakeholders to promote sustainable cross border connections in the cooperation area. The project goal is to establish new connections between Puglia, Albania and Montenegro through the testing of the Brindisi - Tirana and Bari – Podgorica air routes.