The second Steering Committee and Project meeting of the transnational cooperation project “ON CLOUD NINE took place at the Podgorica Airport on 6th of March 2019, from 12:00 to 20:00.
The meeting started with an opening and welcome note from the representatives of PP2 – Airport of Podgorica and followed with a presentation of overall project progress and level of expenditures reported for the second period by Ms. Maurizia Giglio (as technical assistance of LP).
The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss with partners the progress of the project, in particular regarding the realization of the first project outputs. With reference to this, PP4 – Albanian Civil Aviation Authority introduced the first results of the methodology that will be used to carry out the surveys about current airports situation and analysis of the intermodal and urban connections in the airports. All partners agreed on the methodology. PP4 representative discussed also about the Communication Strategy and Plan of the ON CLOUD NINE Project which will be made available to partners for comments within two weeks.
After that the meeting continued with a discussion about the terms for tender publication in order to select the airline operator. Finally, in occasion of the 2nd meeting partners agreed on further steps that are important for the implementation of the project activities.
This project is funded within Axes 4 “Increasing cross border accessibility, promoting sustainable transport service and facilities and improving public infrastructures” of the INTERREG IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro 2014-2020 Programme with total budget of 1.441.800,00 EUR.
The project ON CLOUD NINE aims to create new connections between Puglia and Albania and between Puglia and Montenegro through the experimental start-up of the new air routes. The expected result is the enhancement of passengers’ mobility in the program area, through the development and improvement of new cross-border, sustainable and integrated transport solutions.
All these project outputs ameliorate travel experience of passengers that can become happy and perfectly satisfied (i.e. really like “on cloud nine”).